Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dear Pat Robertson...

If you cant say something comforting or helpful, dont say anything at all. Holding up a folktale and saying it is justification for a tragedy visited on millions is just not in the spirit of the Gospel.

You have with your greater position a responsibility to show the light of Christ. You need to show forth the Gospel message of love and care. Yes, Christ spoke truth even if it hurt, but this isnt the same as what you have done. Remember the words of Paul, all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Also remember the words of our Redeemer, he that is without sin may cast the first stone. Following your reasoning and these words, we deserve all the pain that happens in our lives and that just isnt the case. Look at Job, he was just and right before God and he had horrible things happen. We live in a world where hurt and pain are the norm, we as followers of Christ have a duty to build a better world through the love given to us by our Redeemer. As the hymn says, They will know we are Christians by our love...not our judgement.

Let God do the judging as He wills. It is his purview, ours is to be the Light of Agape for a World in Darkness.


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