Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year: New Commitment


2011 is the year I am committing to writing more here and posting more here. I need to find a way to express the voice in me that is talking and it will be here I hope to do it.

I am going to start the year with looking at some of the homilies of St.John Chrysostom. After that I am going to explore and comment on other works and develop my faith.

Also over the year, I will do a series of posts called CREDO. These will outline where I am on my faith and what I believe. My posts will touch on history, have politics, critique society because I think that is what an active faith does.

My goal is to do 200 posts in 2011. I invite your comments and feedback. Only by questioning our faith daily can we hope to grow in it and grow with each other.

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